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Mars Curiosity Stealth Mission


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Found this giant strange structure on the  horizon, (top left) which is also present on other rocks, (lower right shows a greenish landscape).

The thing about this is that the rover white bottom of image isn't part of this as you can see that the landscape then this in the distance which appears to show a giant bug and is transparent. Bottom image shows more structures near it and even a house.

The good thing about the Grays or martians is they love to depict things at large scales, so from this we can be pretty certain that Mars has insects.


More of it in the next image.



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And in the next image more of this giant thing, which the color picker shows that the stem, (darker outline on the right) is green) but from the blue color it is transparent. But the base is also green which gives a hint that this is a giant glasshouse growing something.

Remember Martians have free energy and anti gravity so can grow large crops pretty much wherever they wish as well as 100% recycling.

I tried to Remote View this and saw dark metal feed coming out of the sides a bug face and a large green crop of some kind.

A real pity Musk couldn't land a probe there blow the lid on the whole scam.



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The rover drove past this dark thing, (color picker showed grass green) which is most likely a bush. Also saw what looked like a face or a gray but as usual hard to tell.


Right shows a bush conveniently blurred, but the color picker gives it away. The rest a dirty martian stream.

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Another good image, (at least for Curiosity) showing the rover, (top arrow) that green thing again on the right which unfortunately l couldn't get any green from, (cannot explain that) but l ran the color picker all of the way alone the distant bushes/tall prickles or tree's) and got the unmistakable green color or a slam dunk Mars has life and NASA are lying scum, (but there climate emergency BS sea level chart makes that pretty obvious). :classic_cool:



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Pretty cool find today or this looks like a heel of a shoe in the sand. Unfortunately this could also be the previous giant glasshouse bug type structure reflected in the sand, (Mars sand sometimes reflects stuff) but if a heel it is clearly not a military shoe but if a shoe print probably a local breaking the Earth/Mars alliance pact that all inhabitants stay clear of the rover.



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Lots of images showing fog coming in and also these green things here and there, (right image showing a tree which going by the color picker is fairly dead at its trunk but has plenty of green branches leaves and the rover drives right past it).



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This is Sol 561 or images from 561 to 562.

Ok rover or dark blob in the  center surrounded by three tall green things or tree's, (had to max out contrast to make it show). NASA says that Mars is dead but apart from tree's birds insects, lol.


Is it just me or does the ground look damp? I mean bone dry soil should not compress like this, but if you go back through my images or videos, l have found the dirt clinging onto the wheels or muddy soil, this would be funny if it wasn't so ridiculous.




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Found plenty of stuff on this one but it deserves another image.


Top another one of those insect buildings, a hillside which has been deliberately blurred by JPL since it shows balcony's.

This thing below that that has to be a house since it is casting a shadow over a blue structure and the rover is white, and possible water on the left, below that a road, NASA has blurred it so it isn't too obvious but clearly a road with a fork.

And on the left about the best example of our sun setting on Mars and if you are wondering the green things in the distance are plants or tree's.


And the best available from lying NASA, or these look alien while the real ones look like Earth.



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These things top left are not the rover and look more like giant metallic silo's. Top right NASA blurring a tall building or smoke stack of some kind.

One below that a weir and water runoff and another tall silo that NASA didn't blur. :classic_happy:

The one below that the rover mainly but the strong green thing left shows it is passing a plant, bottom more runoff down the hill.



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Top a road going up this hill and most likely going around this hill. Right rain clouds most likely.

Bottom more bushes, (JPL put a blue filter over this to hide the green but l managed to find some grass green with the color picker). And as the rock image shows rocks don't look like this.



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On 8/16/2024 at 5:00 PM, chrysostom said:

What are the theological implications of life on another planet? 

Should this topic be discussed in the religion section? 

Be my guest.


Mars rover passing some more prickle plants or just bushes. Going by the color picker, (goes from grass green to lime green with very little brown) these are probably young and healthy prickle plants growing in an arid region and since some of it is airborne it is most likely a prickle plant throwing off seeds on a windy day on Mars.

If NASA weren't such lair's we would have known about Mars being habitable in 1977.



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On 8/21/2024 at 4:55 AM, tmcom said:

Be my guest.

What are the theological implications of life on another planet? 

This is a difficult question for bible believing Christians. The answer is not in the Bible. The place to look is science which tell us it cannot be an accident that this planet can support life. Just like science cannot explain life, it cannot explain how this planet somehow was able to support life. The Bible can. 

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Top a rock with some green white plant growing out of it.

Middle plants in the background and this, (arrow) witch l though was a prickle but now l would say it is a totem pole with a Grays face up top and a way out hairstyle, (Grays are definitely living there and no they are not some evil race set to wipe us out, (BS YouTube NASA propaganda)).

Bottom image a real Mars sunset, pink clouds earth like blue sky and the green things poking up are plants or prickles.



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