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The US is bound to become MORE Christian in 40 years time?


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I was watching a video, wish I could remember what it was called (my history on YouTube is turned off lol) but the guy was going through patterns the US has gone through and many other countries have gone through. There is a shift happening among men to return to God in America. This started 10 years ago and has only trended stronger. More and more women are turning their backs on feminism because they were lied to. People just want to be able to afford homes, raise kids, and be left alone again.

On the flip side, we see people on the left/liberal side aborting their children, mutilating their children, or not having children at all. We see many who end up doing nothing with their lives due to drug use or purposelessness. They promote everything that not only destroys society but themselves. Spreading STDs, embracing unhealthy culture like "fat acceptance", etc. etc. 

Needless to say conservative men and women are out numbering them when it comes to birth rates and the move back to God and church has only gotten stronger in the last 4 years.

The guy said that within 40 years time, the US will be a strong Christian nation again.  

Do you think this is correct? 

Edited by britanica
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5 hours ago, chrysostom said:

Communism may be already here. They just need this election to verify this.

It has been a part of the US and never went away. It has been a part of major university campuses across the country since the '60s. People confuse it with "liberalism" but it is socialism which evolved into Marxism and now it is just communism. Socialism on any scale always leads to communism. 

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On 9/10/2024 at 4:15 AM, chrysostom said:

Social justice has replaced religion but the guilt remains

This makes perfect sense. It is like a religion for them but without freedom from internal guilt. They suffer inside and can't understand why so they continue to push more and more into social justice but never feel relief from it. 

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