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Do Children of a Gay/Lesbian Ralationship end up worse off?

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Watching Survivor season 44 which showed two gay men with a child, and l thought how is the kid, (probably 5 years old) going to fare, l mean we keep hearing the "as long as the parents are loving then everything is fine" mantra but really two gay men with a kid show up to a parent/teacher night and it cannot go down well, which would lead to the child being picked on for most of his life.

I had a Mother/father family unit and was picked on for most of my school years so can relate to how hard it is and how easy children go for someone out of the norm, (had a thin build).

Try and Google this and for the most part it is "no difference" which l take as bias to either destroy the family unit or just blindly go with current herd thinking which probably wants the first reason.

Then l finally found something legit, (even though it tries to dismiss it all at the end).



The article says at the end that "the science isn't settled" it looks pretty settled to me.

Distancing yourself from your same sex parents suicidal thoughts and depression not to mention obesity is way up which does not surprize me at all.

The only way a gay relationship could work is if they produced gay children but l suspect most of the issues would remain.

The elite used to tell us that 30 minutes of strenuous exercise a day is beneficial, even though we know now that it puts on weight and isn't, and if we don't eat 4 fruits a day it has no benefits, even though yet again recent studies with people who eat an apple, (1 fruit) does have benefits.

Looks like the elite are pushing this movement hard with legalizing gay parenting and such since they know it destroys a country far quicker than any war could.

Also explains why they are going after Putin since he isn't self destroying his country, (probably going to far the other way but his country is still robust) so they are trying to break it up so he loses power.

We all l think agree that they have the right to live that lifestyle but adding children with all of the negatives above, l think even gay parents would rethink it if they knew what they are going to put that child through.

But l guess some will see the trophy and buy the dodgy study and cliche's and l am sure they will think it is great at least til the child gets old enough.

Also explains why all gay relationship couples with children Only show them with a baby or small child and raving on how wonderful it is, (mass media high profile gay couples). Since if they showed them at teenage years most would have moved out of home, be overweight and probably suicidal.


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14 hours ago, tmcom said:

Also explains why all gay relationship couples with children Only show them with a baby or small child and raving on how wonderful it is, (mass media high profile gay couples). Since if they showed them at teenage years most would have moved out of home, be overweight and probably suicidal.

Thank you for mentioning this very important issue. This is child abuse, growing up with same sex parents. 

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Children will always do best with a man and a woman. In some cases a gay couple is better than a single mother but not always. In most cases a single father is better than both but still... The family unit that works the best for raising kids will always be a mother and a father or a man and a woman that has adopted as a couple.

I think if a gay couple cares about the well-being of their child or children, they would have a motherly figure that is a woman (or father figure in the case of lesbian couples) that fills the gap and is a strong part of the child's life spending time with them every week, even every day is best. 

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8 hours ago, JRexx said:

Children will always do best with a man and a woman. In some cases a gay couple is better than a single mother but not always. In most cases a single father is better than both but still... The family unit that works the best for raising kids will always be a mother and a father or a man and a woman that has adopted as a couple.

I think if a gay couple cares about the well-being of their child or children, they would have a motherly figure that is a woman (or father figure in the case of lesbian couples) that fills the gap and is a strong part of the child's life spending time with them every week, even every day is best. 

Adopted overall are worse off regardless of what the family unit consists of.


But a gay couple wouldn't help with those stats, although if they broke up and there was only l man or one women raising her/his child and keep away from relationships then it could actually work.

Thankfully they cannot surgery implant a womb into a trans woman, (basically a man with female hormone replacement and some surgery) which would result in two gay men with beards, (some trans do have beards) and one pregnant walking into a parent/teacher night.

Sorry but that should not be allowed, especially when they get 7 years of joy from that experience and then the child kills himself of has a low quality of life.

A gay couple having a child means that the child is born by a women who is effectively giving her child up for adoption or two Lesbians being made pregnant by a total stranger.

So effectively the child is adopted then made worse by the gay couple. And l agree a normal family unit raising an adopted child is better than nothing but intentionally making an adopted child on purpose no there needs to be laws and safeguards in place and not idiots relying on Google, (you have to dig deep to find the actual facts) and just going with the narrative instead of thinking rationally who are to blame.

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From my understanding, and it is not fair to throw a blanket here, but high numbers of gay/lesbian couples that adopt end up abusing their kids. Whether it is intentional or not, it happens more than it should. 

I think adoption is a wonderful thing. It offers women who don't want to keep their babies a way to allow them to live without aborting them and it grants a woman that would otherwise be unable to have a child of her own the chance to be a mother. 

I don't think gay men should be adopting children. I think there is a fair argument for lesbian women (they can actually HAVE their children)...

But I think most children will do best with their birth parents, a man and a woman, in a committed relationship (marriage ideally) raising them. There are cases of abuse here too but the odds of it are at the lowest end compared to everything else. 

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5 hours ago, britanica said:

From my understanding, and it is not fair to throw a blanket here, but high numbers of gay/lesbian couples that adopt end up abusing their kids. Whether it is intentional or not, it happens more than it should. 

I think adoption is a wonderful thing. It offers women who don't want to keep their babies a way to allow them to live without aborting them and it grants a woman that would otherwise be unable to have a child of her own the chance to be a mother. 

I don't think gay men should be adopting children. I think there is a fair argument for lesbian women (they can actually HAVE their children)...

But I think most children will do best with their birth parents, a man and a woman, in a committed relationship (marriage ideally) raising them. There are cases of abuse here too but the odds of it are at the lowest end compared to everything else. 

Agreed they have a marriage which doesn't work or they don't take seriously, (how could they with typically two men dressed as men or two women one in a dress and the other dressed as a man).

Then have kids whereby, (haven't done a comparative study) they are picked on for most of their education years, (compared with a normal family unit with adopted child).

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On 6/30/2024 at 11:36 PM, tmcom said:

Agreed they have a marriage which doesn't work or they don't take seriously, (how could they with typically two men dressed as men or two women one in a dress and the other dressed as a man).

Then have kids whereby, (haven't done a comparative study) they are picked on for most of their education years, (compared with a normal family unit with adopted child).

It seems like they try to bury studies that prove them wrong and fund the ones that prove them right, even if they are stretched out to make a fair argument for their case. Everything can be bought and paid for these days which is a huge reason there is a growing number of people that don't trust the news, the government, or the "science". 

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9 hours ago, britanica said:

Everything can be bought and paid for these days which is a huge reason there is a growing number of people that don't trust the news, the government, or the "science"

Follow the money. Mostly borrowed. There must be a limit to debt. We may soon find it. 

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Without looking into anything I will say yes. This is nothing against gay couples. It is nothing that can be helped. They can be the best people but a child needs both male and female roles to be raised properly. They need to understand boundaries, communication skills, and proper socialization but men and women or boys and girls. You cannot obtain this even if one partner is more feminine and the other more masculine. Children need both a mother and a father in their lives, biologically speaking. I don't care about labels.  

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