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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. Who could be against enlightenment? So many are but surely they are the immature. Grow up and think for yourself even though others will be threatened by it. Go ahead and ask the question. Why must you obey? You have a duty to question everything as well as to obey. You must think about this. You are free to do it. Kant on Enlightenment
  2. So true but we need to start with life. Life is good and we must protect it.
  3. A word exercise. existence substance essence sense cause effect reason logic purpose meaning nature understanding If these words have any meaning for you, chances are you might be a philosopher in the making. It is all about thinking and trying to make sense of the world we live in. It didn't start with Socrates but he did start asking questions and caused a lot of problems. He had to die because those in power didn't like the answers.
  4. Same here. Only time helps but you never forget.
  5. Who can say why? It is mostly hatred for Trump. I ask my son why and he said there are a lot of people who don't have the advantages that he had and need help and he believes the democrats are helping them. Sounds like guilt to me or just wishful thinking. We stay away from the subject so we can enjoy each other.
  6. Not that I know of. Sorry for your loss.
  7. You do understand distraction. Those who control the media are good at it. Watch the right hand while the left hand goes unnoticed.
  8. Not too long ago you had to go to the library to do research. Now you just google it and do a key word search.
  9. I don't see that happening. The suburbs is a nice buffer.
  10. Thank God for the farmers.
  11. EWTN has THE PHILOSOPHERS' BENCH where two philosophers from Boston College University sit on a bench and discuss various topics. Once in a while Dr. Peter Kreeft is with Dr. J. Budziszewski from Texas University. Most of the time Peter is with Ronald K. Tacelli. Today science, women studies, etc. have pushed philosophy off the main stage. Can you say esoteric?
  12. This will not happen. What we need is election monitors in the blue cities so they don't control the states especially the swing states.
  13. The Shame, Blame, Game.
  14. Speaking the truth as we know it is sometimes all we can do.
  15. We can't trust our government. Cling to your bible and gun.
  16. In college I had to take at least two classes on philosophy and really enjoyed the first one. It was much later that I learned about Socrates and his method of asking questions. He believed you could learn something from anyone.
  17. That is why they are trying so hard to interrupt Trump.
  18. Top Influential Philosophers Today Have not heard about any of them. Have you? Maybe they have a special list for Catholics.
  19. That is interesting and should be considered.
  20. Yes and we have over 2000 years of history to look at. This is where we should look first.
  21. Yes The Byzantine Empire ties this all together: - It lasted a thousand years where they reigned with Christ. - It was started by one of the seven dynasties of the Roman Empire. - It was ended by the Ottoman Empire which was the tenth dynasty of Islam. - Constantinople, its capital, is the mystery Babylon the Great. - It was attacked by the second dynasty of Islam in the year 666. History is connected to prophecy with numbers. This will be presented in more detail.
  22. Juan Gabriel is Widely regarded as one of the best and most prolific Mexican composers and singers of all time
  23. I prefer rats. We need to support the cans.
  24. Juan Gabriel - Así Fue 820 million views
  25. Be calm and be positive. Speak the truth as you know it and encourage those who do. We have an election and a chance to vote for people who respect the rule of law.
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