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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. Thank you tmcom. It was Muddy who invited me. So you can blame him.
  2. There are also eggs that are not "real". They float. I eat two eggs every day which is the best source for vitamin D which may be your best protection against covid.
  3. Before you try to identify the Antichrist, you should read what John says about what an antichrist is. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son. In other words anyone who does not believe Jesus is God. That is a lot of people but there is only one who has about two billion followers. Mohammed. No one else comes close.
  4. Thank you for another opportunity to present my views on the Apocalypse.
  5. Revelation for Dummies Seven Heads = the seven dynasties of the Roman Empire Rider of the White Horse = Constantine Babylon the Great = Constantinople A Thousand Years = The Byzantine Empire Rider of the Red Horse = Mohammed 666 = the beginning of Islam in the Julian Calendar 666 = the attack on Constantinople in the Gregorian Calendar Ten Horns = the ten dynasties of Islam Rider of the Black Horse = Marx Two Witnesses = The Byzantine Empire and The Holy Roman Empire Little Book = The Apocalypse New Jerusalem = Rome Home Daniel for Dummies The Four Beasts = Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Islam The King of the South = Mohammed His Daughter = Fatimah The King of the North = Muawiyah The Little Horn = Saladin The Tax Collector = Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan The Abomination of Desolation = The Dome of the Rock
  6. It is also the most difficult to identify. So far all I have is the Pale of Settlement which looks a lot like Ukraine. Thanks for stopping by.
  7. Daniel's fourth beast has ten horns which will help us identify the two beasts in John's Apocalypse. He can also help us identify a number which could refer to years. Before we look at what happened in the year 666, we need to understand what makes a beast a beast in the mind of Daniel. Most agree that Babylon is a beast for destroying the first temple. Rome destroyed the second one and Greece desecrated it. To get a fourth beast we need a third temple and the Dome of the Rock is preventing it. That makes Islam the fourth beast and it just so happens that around the year 666 they were getting ready to attack Constantinople. The Ottoman Empire, the tenth dynasty of Islam, ended the thousand year empire. It was one of the seven dynasties of Rome that started it. The numbers are falling into place. We will need colors to identify the four horsemen and to see how they fit in.
  8. Prophecy can only be fulfilled in history and the only reliable connection is with numbers and colors. Start with a big number like "a thousand years" where they reigned with Christ in Chapter 20 of the Apocalypse. The Byzantine Empire was a Christian empire and it did last a thousand years. Constantinople, the capital, has all the characteristics of Babylon the Great. It has many waters, seven hills, merchants, fallen twice, and can be found no more at all. It is also a mystery. All we need now is to identify the seven heads and ten horns. Daniel will help us do this.
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