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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. a desolation A Temple - A beast in the making. What makes a beast a beast? Daniel knows beasts and the abomination of desolation mentioned by Jesus. Babylon destroyed the first temple. Greece desecrated the second and Rome destroyed it. Islam and the Dome of the Rock is preventing the third. The four beasts of Daniel. Home 9
  2. My daughter will prepare a meal with ham and the best part is I get the ham bone for pea soup. Hopefully the bone will still have a lot of ham on it. Happy Easter
  3. The lie can't handle the truth. They can't use reason and logic. Intimidation is all they have.
  4. Money spent on eggs is money well spent. We have to support egg production. It's a good thing.
  5. We can do it here but it takes courage to do it where it is not well received.
  6. What's good about Good Friday? Suffering. What's it good for? God suffering is even harder to understand but somehow social justice is not. Social justice is replacing religion. It involves the suffering of others and something must be done about that. Guilt explains that. You can't get rid of it. Caring about social justice can satisfy the problem of guilt but don't talk about it. No one wants to recognize the problem of guilt.
  7. chrysostom


    A time to go to church for many. Just like Christmas, the church will be full. It's really a time for family which somehow gets us back into the church at least two times each year. For many this means avoiding political discussions that might interfere with a pleasant family get-together. The Church also avoids political issues like life, marriage, and family in an effort to make everyone comfortable. Happy Easter
  8. a calendar A Dating Tool - A common year. 666 of the Gregorian calendar, which didn't start until 1582, will be a different year in a different calendar. The common year for the Julian calendar was 44 BC. 622, the year of the Hijra, would be 666 in the Julian calendar. That does require a calculation and not a count as stated in some bibles. Home 6
  9. "In this inquiry I shall unfold the events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbours of Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran; that protected the majesty of Rome, and delayed the servitude of Constantinople; that invigorated the defence of the Christians, and scattered among their enemies the seeds of division and decay." Gibbon's date is even more interesting. "Forty-six years after the flight of Mahomet from Mecca," Put 46 in an Islamic calendar converter and you will get 666.
  10. Thank you for all the help.
  11. More important are they aware of the causes. Silence from those who don't have the courage to speak out is understandable when the media is controlled by others who have been misled. It is easy here with like minded people. We have to go where we are not wanted and risk the consequences. I am preaching to myself.
  12. I feel really comfortable here. Sometimes you just need a quiet place so you can reflect on what is going on or just to let your mind wander.
  13. Thank you for asking. Twenty five years ago this guy called my pope a whore on TV and referenced the last book of the bible. That got me started. I became a historical detective. Twenty years ago I got on my first of many religious forums. It has been a lot of fun. Thank you for your interest.
  14. I feel very comfortable here using plain text but every now and then when I am with friends I like to use rich text.
  15. An argument is a good sword fight. Take your best shot. “People generally quarrel because they cannot argue" according to G. K. Chesterton Learn how to argue. It can be fun.
  16. In China they are making artificial eggs. Bill Gates is helping the funding of it. It may be fake news but the YouTube videos I watched has convinced me.
  17. Why is Babylon the Great a mystery? It wasn't a mystery for Peter. Everyone knew Rome had seven hills. Constantinople only had six until Theodosius II extended the walls to include the seventh hill. That is still a mystery for most who want to discredit the Church in Rome. Everyone knows where Rome is but only Constantinople can be found no more at all.
  18. Compose yourself. Stay calm. Don't overreact. Find a quiet place and meditate. Pray for guidance. Turn the TV off. Let this thing play out. Don't let the media control your life. I feel better already.
  19. An Illusion of a Non Dual Nature Space is incomprehensible. Therefore matter which requires space does not exist as we understand it. Everything is an illusion of a Non Dual Nature.
  20. The study of things that don't change is called metaphysics. They existed before you. They will continue to exist after you. It is objective truth. Search for it.
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