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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. The Democrats take voting seriously and they mail ballots to every registered voter. That includes those who have moved and those who are dead. Who and how they are filled out and returned is not controlled or monitored by Republicans who are afraid to talk about this for fear of being labeled an election denier.
  2. With ballot harvesting in the big cities you don't know who is voting. Ballots are not secured and they can produce the number of ballots necessary to win statewide elections. So goes the senate and the presidency.
  3. Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity? Yes, but I don't know how to explain it and I'm not sure I should talk about it. I want to talk about it and will give it a try. It was in a church on the wall behind the altar that was painted gold. I would see faces of Jesus, Mary, and God the Father. It depended on the lights and my position in the church. For various reasons early in the morning I would be the only one in church and knew how to turn on the altar lights. One morning when the pastor was in the church I asked him if he could see it and he couldn't and was not interested in it. There were two places on the wall where I would see the faces and they would change. One was Mary but would change to Jesus depending on how I looked at it. The other was the Shroud of Turin and it would change into God the Father and His nose and hair were lionlike. I could see this anytime I was in the right place with the right lights on.
  4. The TRUTH About Election Fraud "We are going to lose this country"
  5. Why? Because. Why are you here? I was invited. Why were you invited? To be tested. Why are you being tested? I have free will. Why does that have to be tested? It can't be trusted. Why can't it be trusted? It may not be controlled. Why wouldn't you control it? Short sightedness. Why would you go with short sightedness? A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Why is that not controlled? You need two birds. Why? Because.
  6. chrysostom


    WHCD The WHCD was a joke. They joked about everything except Covid and Ukraine. Here is the real joke. All that money invested in Covid and Ukraine will suddenly reappear to reelect Biden for four more years. Go ahead and laugh and don't worry I was never any good at predicting the future. Go Green.
  7. Being There You may not be old enough to remember this strange movie. Didn't understand it but I am still haunted by it and will have to watch it again if I can find it. Few are talking about the importance of having a father and I would like to suggest that 'being there' is at least 80% of being a father. It is also said that all you really have to do is show up. You may not know what to do or even what to say. Don't worry about that. Just show up.
  8. The culture war is about changing the things that don't change. There lies the truth. Their lies can't handle the truth. You need courage to state the truth. You need to state the truth and be willing to suffer the consequences. This is a safe place. Hopefully we can inspire each other to go out there where it is not safe and speak the truth. It will set you free.
  9. It was all about sugar. Awhile back I saw a video about how they were about to go after the evils of sugar. The sugar lobby had to find another target to save their cash cow. That was the egg, cholesterol, and heart disease. It worked. After that the covid vax people had to block the benefits of the egg and vitamin D which was the best solution.
  10. Didn't know about the "daughter of babylon" which can be found six times in the Old Testament and I have done many searches in the bible for keywords found in the Apocalypse. The word 'daughter' is not found in the Apocalypse. Don't know what to make of it but will consider it. Thank you for mentioning it. Babylon the Great, The Mother Of Harlots, might be the daughter of Babylon.
  11. Mystery Babylon Where is the mystery? Peter knew Rome had seven hills. The real mystery is why so many think Rome is Babylon the Great. It takes more than seven hills. It takes many waters, a beast, seven heads, ten horns, and merchants. It has fallen twice and can be found no more at all. Constantinople is the only city that satisfies all these characteristics. Constantinople is the mystery and likely to remain so. You won't know this unless it is revealed to you.
  12. chrysostom


    I would like to see Tucker Carlson do something like what Glenn Beck is doing.
  13. It is okay to say that voting fraud is significant and actually makes a difference.
  14. Yes but they continue to control the elections. You have to wonder how. It's a combination of those who are either properly compensated or are left with no other choice. Call it the devil you know. When others have primary control of your environment, you won't risk what you have on an unknown. There is also an unknown portion of each election that is just plain fraud.
  15. That is funny but the question is who is protecting our right to humor. Someone is and I don't know how he gets away with it. His name is Gutfeld.
  16. Laughter is the Best Medicine but according to Kat Timpf You Can't Joke About That We have a right to bear arms but who is protecting our right to humor?
  17. Just reminding myself. The news is bad but if you look around you might find a few signs that something good can happen.
  18. That is why religion is so important and the Church is not teaching like it should.
  19. Okay but they also believe the end justifies the means. They can ignore the lie as long as it may lead to their desired goal.
  20. May you be blessed with them.
  21. a great city A Whore - A hatred thereof. The Ottoman Empire, the tenth dynasty of Islam, ended the Byzantine Empire by attacking Constantinople where they reigned with Christ a thousand years. It started with the fifth of the seven dynasties of the Roman Empire. Check the numbers: a thousand, 666, ten, seven, and five. Numbers can verify your interpretation. Home 11
  22. Not exactly. To some extent aggression can be justified in the name of defense but you may have your priorities mixed up. Not everyone sees life and liberty as they should and it is our job to help them understand. It is our duty to protect life and liberty which may require some kind of aggression. We should avoid vague and misleading words.
  23. And the question is why? I really don't know why but don't ever stop wondering why.
  24. a common beast A Beast with Ten Horns - A connection to Daniel. John knows Daniel who knows beasts. The "ten horns" ties the second beast of the Apocalypse to the fourth beast of Daniel. They are kings or dynasties which are easier to count especially if you let them do the counting. The ten dynasties of Islam according to Islam. Home 10
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