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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. My first forum fan was down under. She was always ending her day when I was just getting started so I would always end my posts with "good night Charity". I was a big fan of Cardinal Pell. Enough said. I am also a fan of Matt Fradd who is no longer down under and decided to make his home in Steubenville, Ohio. Go figure. He did say that, "you need to spend as much time as you can with like-minded people". You don't want to listen to him unless you have two hours to kill. good night Charity
  2. "moderation in all things, including moderation"
  3. Did not know that. Thank you. While it is definitely better if you never start smoking, there is one good thing I can say about it. I only smoke when I am alone in a quiet place and find myself meditating on whatever comes into my mind. Meditation is something everyone should try to do whenever possible and smoking somehow makes it happen.
  4. Don't bother wondering about Paul's thorn in the flesh. It won't help. The important thing to remember is God wouldn't do anything about it to remind Paul that he had to depend on God's graces for everything that he did. We all have a "thorn in the flesh" to remind us that we also depend on the grace of God and we must ask for it.
  5. I started smoking again and it upset a few people. It is a bad habit but somehow G. K. Chesterton can justify it. I had quit many years ago but would still smoke an occasional cigar which is very expensive and takes way too long to smoke so I went back to the pipe hoping I could limit it to once a day and did. It was right after Covid started and I stumbled across an article suggesting that smoking could improve your chances of surviving Covid. Apparently nicotine can prevent your immune system from overreacting which is how Covid was killing most of the people who caught it. Not being able to do anything about being an old male, I decided to address what I could do something about. More vitamin D, less weight, and moderate smoking were the only things that might improve my chances with Covid. Thanks to that and social distancing I did not get sick at all during the first year of Covid and wanted that to be the new norm. My traveling wife brought Covid home twice and I caught it once but only had one bad day with it. Vitamin D from only eggs and sunshine may have been the most significant factor. This kind of information was definitely being withheld.
  6. For me the beauty of nature is the best argument for a Creator. Man has conquered nature and has created our own kind of beauty but it is increasingly difficult to ignore the ugly part that we are capable of. We really need a safe space, a quiet place, to meditate or to contemplate on what is most important. This reminds me of the saying, "you can pay me now or you can pay me later" and the latter is always the greater if not too great. The choice is ours to make if it is not already too late.
  7. I am a veteran of many forum battles but I am getting to old for it. Now I need a safe place. There are many inspirational people on Twitter but haven't figured out how to avoid the nasty ones.
  8. I also rejoined Twitter because of Elon Musk but I am not comfortable there and don't know why.
  9. Rudolf Clausius who discovered entropy explains, "his choice of "entropy" as a name as follows:[17] Leon Cooper[17] added that in this way he succeeded in coining a word that meant the same thing to everybody: nothing. (and that is saying something)
  10. The Mystery of Entropy Some scientist wanted to disprove the concept of creation and therefore eliminate the need for a Creator. It didn't go well. He came up with the principle of entropy, the second law of thermodynamics. The first law holds that "energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred from one form to another." The second law holds that our ability to get work out of this energy is decreasing and therefore there was a beginning and there will be an end which forces us to accept a Creator. Our climate change friends want to make it last longer with fewer people.
  11. Yes, but there is only one with over a billion followers. He is the Antichrist with the big A.
  12. Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson Paperback – September 7, 2004 by Jennifer Michael Hecht (Author) This is one of the few books I have given to others and have regretted it ever since. Jennifer sets out to praise all the great doubters suggesting that you really can't know anything for sure and she failed miserably. All her examples dedicated their lives to the search for truth which can be known. It was truly inspirational.
  13. Not according to John. One who denies the Father and the Son is antichrist. One who is against God, an atheist, would be anti-god.
  14. It took four four bedroom homes to raise two kids.
  15. My first one was a $12K one bedroom condo. Fifty years later we have a two bedroom condo which is our seventh home. My advice to you is buy small because she will fill it. The only good thing about renting is that it limits the amount of junk that you accumulate. Tiny homes are in.
  16. There are versions of the bible that suggest there will be an Antichrist with the big A. Look in history for who he might be.
  17. Thank you for mentioning freedom. It is so important.
  18. chrysostom


    You think you can teach an old dog new tricks?
  19. The Mystery of the Fourth Beast Solved by Sebeos, "a 7th-century Armenian bishop and historian", who witnessed the rise of Islam and knew something about the four beasts of Daniel. His writings are conveniently ignored by most who continue to see Rome as the fourth beast of Daniel. Political correctness sees no need to protect the Church which is feared only by Marxists. On the other hand Islam does a good job of protecting itself even though the Marxists of Russia and China know how to control them. Still the mystery of the fourth beast will survive Sebeos and others who question what has been passed down through the ages.
  20. I feel comfortable here and enjoy having a beer with a friend. A dialogue would also be nice even when we can't agree. A safe place is nice but we do have to get out there where it is not so comfortable. Fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith but not in that order.
  21. Yes but what may be more productive is to monitor and exposed what the others are doing which means preventing fraud will produce more wins. We have to play by the rules and they don't so we can never produce the number of ballots that they do. We have to do whatever we can to prevent vote fraud and risk being call election deniers.
  22. We have two basic threats: Islam which will not tolerate any other religion and communism which will not tolerate any religion.
  23. Cling to you bible and gun. You will need the one to keep the other.
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