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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. Just keep those bananas coming. Support the banana republic.
  2. Nor is matter which is the only thing that requires space.
  3. Spot on. The planet is now more important than life. Go figure.
  4. Nonsense is being peddled everywhere and it is hard to ignore. Don't be distracted by it. Don't curse it. Just light your candle and promote what does make sense.
  5. Spinoza at the age of 23 held that there is only one substance and it is called monism. The Hindus actually beat him to it with the saying that, "it is all an illusion of an non-dual nature." Space is incomprehensible and therefore matter, which requires space, must also be incomprehensible. Not a problem for Spinoza except for the fact that he was disowned by his family and community and had to leave town.
  6. I don't have that much confidence in world leaders.
  7. We are so easily distracted by nonsense that we forget to work on what is really important.
  8. I don't think that is the problem. My son is a liberal and he of course votes for the democrats and I asked him why. He thinks there are many others who did not have the advantages he got and believes the democrats help them.
  9. Thank you for that. I get it. When I am sore, I try to remember what I did the day before and now too often the answer is nothing. Keep moving.
  10. I agree with this and have seen posts that suggest being physically active is the only important thing.
  11. Diet and exercise make that happen and for some that is discovered way too late. I do a lot of walking and bike riding which seems to be more important. It might have something to do with breathing. On the bike, you are not supporting your weight and legs flex more. A lot of bike trails have been added in the last ten years.
  12. We need to distinguish between what is taught and how it is taught. I am more concerned with what is taught and that has certainly changed. They can't do math, read, or write. How it is taught is not so important but that has also changed. First you teach what is and later why it is that way. When they start to think for themselves, hopefully they will understand the need for rules and order.
  13. You think? Why doesn't it look like school when I was growing up? For sure, I am outdated.
  14. You know you are old when you run out of older people to visit.
  15. Is plane geometry still taught in schools? What about solid geometry? What do two parallel lines have in common? Direction only but they will never meet. Like two people who occupy different positions may never realize they are going in the same direction but you should be able to prove this. That requires order which is predictable. Rules that are reasonable. Arguments that are consistent. Can you prove what is obvious? This is not just an academic exercise. We can't even communicate unless we agree on certain things. Things that are certain. All this is being replaced by chaos forcing us to question everything which is fine if you have something to hang on to. Do you?
  16. The family is a trinity made in Their Image. Everyone has a mother and father which makes them part of a trinity. This is not official Church theology but it should be. We "have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth". Climate change wacos have the opposite view.
  17. It can be addictive and the best advice is to quit while you're ahead.
  18. Many years ago I came into a poker game with a five dollar bill and left with about six dollars in change so the guy who lost all his money blamed me and not the guy who had my five dollar bill. It was not a good experience. I always enjoyed bridge but had to quit to save the marriage. She took it way too seriously. We now play Sequence and she wins most of the time.
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