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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. I hear that it is important to hang around like minded people just to save yourself. This is easier said than done because the numbers will continue to go down.
  2. They also own the ballot box in big cities of swing states. I don't see how this will change.
  3. I liked. Diana Rigg died in 2020. No one should ever help another die. Just comfort them.
  4. I watched "Being There" again on YouTube. Shirley MacLaine may be my favorite actress. A speaker at a conference I attended said, "you get 80% just for showing up". Oftentimes we don't know what to say or do and forget that all we really have to do is show up. Being there is really important.
  5. Only because they know they will not be held accountable by the main stream media.
  6. Pope Francis once told a young crowd to "make a mess". Now we know what he meant. Fiducia supplicans is truly making a mess. It is all about blessing a same sex couple without recognizing their marriage or what they do. Technically it is not changing Church Doctrine. i. e. You can bless sinners without blessing their sins. A distinction without a difference for some. This will create even more division within the Church but who am I to judge? We are all called to judge what the Truth might be even when our leaders don't. Stay and fight. Keep the Faith.
  7. Where did all that money go? Ukraine, Inflation Reduction Act, etc. Follow it if you can. Much of it will show up this year to affect the election. Mail in ballots will determine the outcome in key swing states. You need a place for them. You need time to count them. There will be calls to count all of them. Calls to verify them? Not so much. It will get ugly with the court and maybe the congress determining the outcome. It will be an interesting year.
  8. I just stopped buying gifts and get a lot of grief for it. No problem. I still receive them and give thanks. It is all you can do. You have let them do it. Especially your wife.
  9. I take it you are gen Z. Us older folks might be interested in how you feel about your education. Did you get enough history?
  10. Promote life, marriage, and family.
  11. If you don't know the truth, how can you tell they are lying?
  12. The connection is light and it's Source.
  13. So listen to the ones they are going after if you want the truth.
  14. I was discussing with someone about how important history was when teaching religion and she said the opposite was more true.
  15. Today's reading October 22, 2023 is about Cyrus the Great who sent the Jews back to Judea and helped them build the second temple. In 2018 Netanyahu compared Cyrus to Trump.
  16. Russia in Ukraine, Hamas in Israel, our southern border, and China in Taiwan. Let's go Brandon.
  17. And that's the truth.
  18. Thank you for the correction but it doesn't change a thing. The ticket must be Trump DeSantis.
  19. Vivek is the clear winner for just saying "climate change is a hoax".
  20. It was a great debate primarily because Trump wasn't there.
  21. I'd rather hang around The Bar and not worry about being off topic.
  22. I have nothing to add except that it is nice to know there is a place for it if I did have something to announce.
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