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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. It helps if you are worried about climate change and racism. It is a way to get respect.
  2. This should be disclosed to anyone buying an EV or hybrid.
  3. So what did Holland find? He found Sebeos, the first historian to take a look at Islam and maybe the first to suggest that Islam, not Rome, was the fourth beast of Daniel. This leads us to the biggest mystery of all. What makes a beast a beast? Historians are happy to let the theologians answer that question. Sebeos, a 7th-century Armenian bishop, was willing to give it a try. Thus far no one has suggested that it's the temple that makes a beast a beast. So let's take a look at that. Babylon destroyed the first temple. The second temple was desecrated by Greece and later destroyed by Rome. That gives us three beasts. Islam's Dome of the Rock is preventing the third temple. That's four.
  4. The reason his book is not interesting is that he set out to find something that should be there and didn't find it. They of course respond that not finding something is not proof that it doesn't exist. Tom Holland has the gall to say if it was there, I would have found it. So the only remaining question is, is Tom Holland really that good?
  5. Have not heard that. Muslims did kill the message if not the messenger in that they deny that Jesus is God.
  6. Islam: An Ancient Mystery This is more about Tom Holland, a modern day Gibbon, who was more interested in the Roman Empire until it ran into this upstart Islam that rose out of the abyss to challenge the greatest empire. Holland dared to wonder about how this could happen. What we have here is the movie, the lecture, and the book. Start with the lecture if you are interested. The book is a difficult read but it does dare to suggest that Islam is the fourth beast of Daniel. The Movie Islam : The Untold Story The Lecture The Origins of Islam The Book In the Shadow of the Sword
  7. It's the guilt that gets them. You can't get rid of it until you repent.
  8. I love popcorn made the old way on top of the stove with butter and salt. Just google it and find out how to make it. I coat the corn in oil before putting it in the pot, don't even shake it, and the important thing is getting it off the heat before it stops popping. Who cares how many kernels don't pop? Just don't burn it.
  9. Yes but there still some issues such as: how long do you have to drive to offset the cost difference? battery replacement cost, reliability of a very complex system, the Toyota I drove had lot of switching that you could hear and feel. With time, it should be the answer.
  10. chrysostom


    I didn't attend the meetings at Davos. I was able to land my jet but there was no room to park it. Most of the spaces were being used to park electric vehicles that don't work so well when it gets cold. The electric fires do raise the temperature but not enough to make a significant difference.
  11. "Social justice" is now the "opium of the people". Karl Marx knew that religion had to be replaced and he knew how to do it.
  12. It is the "opium of the people". It was religion but now it is social justice. We all need some sort of comfort and if religion is abandoned, something must replace it.
  13. It was too cold for the dems who misrepresented themselves in the polls. They can't be trusted. You already knew that.
  14. The dems have no horse in this race and have nothing to do except cause trouble for the good guys. Look for a crossover vote for someone like Haley.
  15. "Mickey Mouse Trap" says it all. Think about this. Steamboat Willy is nothing. Even to old people.
  16. This like climate change and racism is just a necessary distraction to what is really important. Truth. What gives meaning to life. Why are we here?
  17. So has the Church. "Social Justice" has replaced religion which is the only thing that gives meaning to life.
  18. Climate change is not the problem. Government debt is and the only solution is a shut down.
  19. We can stop what they want to change.
  20. We also have the internet and we need to use it.
  21. First the blame game: The only thing we can learn from the blame game is that something or someone is responsible for what we have now. Therefore something or someone can change it. -OR- Maybe the real problem is change! Take climate change, please. The only problem with climate change is the change part. Stop with the changes -and- give us a chance to deal with what we have now. Few can hit a moving target and that is why quarterbacks are well paid. Shut it down. It is the only thing we haven't tried.
  22. How will that happen?
  23. How do you know that? I heard about ESG in a Glenn Beck video. I moved some money from a big bank that had a decent ESG rating to a smaller bank that didn't seem to know what it was. The manager seemed to appreciate what I had to say about it.
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