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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. They are having more children and will dominate if not intimidate all others.
  2. Don't think so. Biden is now their only option.
  3. Not enough people with the courage to speak out. They will be punished.
  4. a day A Rain Came Down - A robin sings a song of love A willow tree reached up to the heavens As if to thank the sky above for all that rain, that welcomed rain We looked across the meadowland And seemed to sense a kind of a miracle Much too deep to understand
  5. chrysostom


    Everyone getting a monthly check from the government for any reason should have to give up one month per year.
  6. There is a limit to what they can do. They don't know how many ballots they will need in the key swing states. If they over play it, they will be exposed. If they under play it, they lose. Trump is the motivator for both sides. There will be a lot of eyes on this election. The best question to ask is, what happens if Trump loses?
  7. We can't trust the translators.
  8. I have always been a cat person.
  9. chrysostom


    Shrinking may not be feasible. Just shut it down by vetoing everything that comes out of congress.
  10. We named our dog Kiko which I believe means little girl in Japanese. She was an Akita, a dog bred for fighting which they don't do anymore but our Kiko did get into fights when other dogs not on a leash would attack and I could see how well she could handle it.
  11. It is a good start. Who else can get it started?
  12. A Trump revolution.
  13. A district that liar Santos won is once again blue. This proves that the dems know how to win elections in spite of Biden, the economy, the border, etc. This also proves that republicans don't know what they are doing but still expect us to support them. What say you?
  14. chrysostom


    Reminds me of something Thomas Wolfe said about the mounted drunk. The real crime is not that he is drunk or mounted. It is the fact that he is going somewhere.
  15. They are not related. Even though they fight like crazy, they really get along. Often sleeping together and will actually eat out of the same bowl at the same time. He always defers to her, Blatz is a real gentleman. Blatz is 6 months and Tupps is 4 months.
  16. chrysostom


    If bankruptcy is not feasible, use the veto to effectively shut down the government. Veto everything and force congress to impeach him. This may be better than bankruptcy. What say you?
  17. chrysostom


    What can Trump do? Get elected. This he can do but what does he do then? What can he do without increasing the debt? Not much. It is time to consider bankruptcy. It is a drastic measure but consider the alternative. There is no alternative. What you say?
  18. We are really enjoying our two cats. They are still kittens and they won't let you take just one. I now see why. They have more fun with each other than they do with us.
  19. One time when I was confronted by a dog on my walk, I reached down to pick up a stone and the dog ran off. Apparently it looked like like I was ready to attack it. For other animals you are supposed to make yourself look big.
  20. Most need the attention you get from a dog. Being a walker, I have had to deal with a lot of dogs. Now that I am a bike rider, I still have to deal with them. I don't have a whole lot of respect for most dog owners. Oh don't worry, she won't bite. Yeah right.
  21. A few years ago we had outdoor cats. I have a water dish for the birds and noticed this cat showed up for a drink. We started putting food out and soon we had three or four regulars showing up. Cats would rather be outside even though they don't live very long. We really enjoyed them but all of a sudden they disappeared. Don't know what happened to them.
  22. chrysostom


    Are you too old to get a kitten? No problem if you can get one of your kids to cosign. What happens if you get a divorce? Who will get the cat? Getting a cat is not that easy. They may have to visit your house to see if the cat is okay. Some cats cannot be adopted unless you also take their sibling. All you have to remember is that the cat is more important than you. Somehow we negotiated all the cat issues and we were approved. We now have two cats. After hiding for a day, they now chase each other around the house and only need us to provide the food, water, and litter boxes. This is fun.
  23. Not exactly. Perhaps the real question is where did he find the courage "to go where no man has gone before"? To publish not only what he did find but more importantly what he didn't find. The answer may be found in his own words. he was "fed up with universities and fed up with being poor".
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