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Everything posted by chrysostom

  1. Don't forget the underlying guilt that no one wants to reminded of.
  2. So why did the others get so upset about it? Does it really matter what Catholics are saying to Catholics? Ahh...no. The only thing that matters is what you are saying.
  3. When bringing in children is going too far, you have already gone too far.
  4. Everyone should be able to recognize that but so many do not.
  5. We have the votes but they have more with ballot harvesting. Gotta monitor the election.
  6. My 13 year old granddaughter heard about it before any of us did.
  7. Harrison Butker | Commencement Address 2024 | Benedictine College Not well received. Maybe it is truth.
  8. You can rewrite history but you can't change it.
  9. But they know how to win elections. Do we know how to stop them? Monitor elections.
  10. I found one and was really happy about it until I got the letter that he was moving to another location.
  11. Like Dr. Jordan says, "first clean your room".
  12. If you are really seeking the truth, you will know it when you see it.
  13. Yes but we still need to do what we can to protect the truth. It will not only set you free, it will make you happy.
  14. The video wore me out. He talked too fast. You need time to sort it out. What can you do with a lot of information that is not necessarily connected? Is this an example of chaos? In the end he starts making sense. We need to work on only what we can control. Learn what you can. Do your duty as soon as you find out what it is.
  15. Lawyers, Doctors, Priests. Who can you trust? We are told we cannot separate the wheat from the tares. We have to wait for the harvest. Really? All I see is ballot harvesting.
  16. This is being done by doctors. They also kill babies. Can you trust your doctor?
  17. We are sick and social justice will not heal us. It is just a distraction from what is really needed. Religion.
  18. No, I believe it will get worse. There will be signs that some are beginning to see the light but it will be few. Like the light shinning in darkness.
  19. We can't rely on that. The truth must be told. It must be repeated as often as the lie.
  20. Yes, but to what end. Where do they want to take us. You could say to reduce the population to make the world a better place to live but first they have to make it miserable for everyone. How will they know when we can start enjoying life again?
  21. It has been said that the gut is in charge. If the gut is not happy, nobody is happy. This may be why some kind of fasting is required. It gives the gut some time to cleanup the mess that we have made.
  22. Today we see Hamas working with the extreme left on the college campus.
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